
Over the past decade, I’ve worked with big brands to start-up founders on 360 global ad campaigns to social first strategies and podcast launch plans.

I can help navigate you through the confusion, distill down your objectives and provide clarity and direction. My breadth of experience means I work with clients in a variety of ways, bespoke to their needs. Let’s go!


Brand strategy

Are you lacking direction in your brand or comms strategy?

Do you need someone to partner with to help you bring a product or service to market?

Feeling lost on how to communicate your brand story?

I have almost a decade of experience working with leading brands at top International communications agencies. I can help you clarity your communications objectives, create a clear marketing plan and give you the direction and guidance to execute it.

Get in touch


“From the get-go, Katie was completely on top of this complex project with excellent communication and organisational skills.

I had the pleasure of working with Katie this year when she managed our ITV brand partnership campaign. Katie brought insightful and experienced creative input to the table; showing she really cared about the standard of creative we delivered.”



Podcast strategy
power hour

Have an idea for a podcast and don’t know where to start?

I can help you gain clarity in the direction of you podcast with a strategy power hour.
We’ll book in an hour zoom call where I can work through some of your burning questions.


“Katie prepped meticulously, and fitted an incredible amount of advice & guidance into the hour.

I had a 1:1 session with Katie to understand more about the basics of podcasting, and what's involved in starting your own. She's clearly *very* good at what she does, and I couldn't believe how much simpler and clearer everything felt at the end of the session. I'd highly recommend a session with Katie if you're interested in starting a podcast or want to spice up an existing one. Thank you Katie!”

Phoebe Dodds



+ A short questionnaire for you to fill out before we meet, so I can tailor the session to you

+ 1 hour strategy power hour zoom call

+ Follow-up document with everything we discussed plus helpful resources


+ Greater clarity on the strategy for your podcast

+ Practical tips and advice from someone who’s done this before for herself (and made all the mistakes so you can avoid them!) and for my clients. From nailing the nuts and bolts to pitching and securing A* guests/sponsors (if relevant), the distribution and the technical side, tactics for marketing

+ Actionable next steps so you can get your podcast off the ground

Book your power hour session


Ongoing consulting

to guide you through each stage of the process

Want to create and manage your own podcast but need a bit of help and guidance along the way? I can help with weekly sessions to take you along my tried & tested roadmap from concept to launch.

Each session will be tailored to your unique objectives and stage and I’ll give you the tools and tactics you need to reach your objectives.

Book your discovery call


“Katie is a powerhouse!

Working together on Ctrl-Alt-Meat, a Jeremy Coller Foundation podcast, Katie ignited the project from inception, developed the concept and grew our ambitions while delivering on each objective to the highest quality. This specific project had more hurdles than usual, and Katie singlehandedly resolved all challenges, never getting deterred and carrying the whole team along with her. Katie's approach to working is impeccably organised, thoroughly diligent and wholly responsible for the quality of all details!”



Podcast ‘done for you’
end-to-end package

  • I’ll help you clarify why you’re creating a podcast, what problem you’re solving for your audience, how this fits into your overarching marketing strategy, how you can differentiate yourself in the market, how best to reach your desired audience, how we should measure its success.

    This phase will include:

    • A briefing call to understand and define your key objectives

    • Audience deep-dive

    • Competitor review

    • Strategy workshop

    • Final alignment on the positioning for the podcast

    • Presentation of the final concept with key messaging, tone of voice, look & feel

  • This phase is all about helping you with the nuts and bolts needed to build a successful podcast. I’ll help you set-up a tried-and-tested process to ensure everything has been planned out, produced and scheduled.

    This phase will include:

    Project management

    • Project set-up with core project management processes and tools in place.

    • Development of project schedule with key milestones, status doc, bespoke slack channel for support and dropbox for easily managing all key assets.

    • Ongoing support including weekly meetings to check the status of the project


    • Creation of core podcast artwork

    • Creation of key social asset templates.

    • Music selection

    Podcast Structure

    • Development of season structure

    • Development of episode outline

    Sales/lead magnet

    • Strategy for lead magnet and sales generation


    • Creation of ideal guest list

    • Development of pitch documents

    Sponsorship / Brand partner strategy

    • Develop sponsor strategy

    • Creation of ideal sponsor list

    • Development of pitch documents.

    Two options for working with me - ‘done for you’ and ‘consultancy’

  • This is about making it happen. I’ll make sure everything is prepared for the episode recordings to capture amazing audio content for your podcast.

    This phase will include:

    • Recording tech

    • Episode recordings

    • Briefing an editor and managing the edit process

    • Project managing ongoing recordings and edits for feedback and

    • Approval

Book your discovery call


“Katie is an incredibly proactive and up-beat team member who made sure all stakeholder stayed on track to deliver remarkable content.

I have had the pleasure to work with Katie on the launch of the first season of ctrl-alt-meat. This brand new podcast went from an idea to a fully developed product in less than 6 months and that is, without a doubt, thanks to Katie's work as she designed the strategy, crafted the guest pitches, planned the episodes but also the launch plan while leading the entire production. Her knowledge of podcast creation and marketing was invaluable to shape our offering and build a tangible narrative.”

Project Manager

Add on’s

Feeling overwhelmed by all of the things you know you could be doing to take your podcast to the next level?
I know the feeling. I can help with a range of marketing add-ons to elevate your podcast:


Book your discovery call


Event curation
& speaking

I’ve curated and hosted panel events in collaboration with brands including:

Katie and Romina having conversation on stage

I can offer the following services:

• Guest speaking
• Event Curation – taking an idea and bringing it to life end-to-end
• Panel hosting and moderating. I’ve interviewed business leaders including: PensionBee Founder Romina Savova, Beyond Meat founder Ethan Brown, Bumble VP Naomi Walkland and tech trailblazer Cindy Gallop.

Get in touch about your event


“Katie has so much passion for what she does and that clearly shines through in her events.

I recently had the pleasure of speaking on a panel event organised by Katie where she also moderated the panel talk and interviewed speakers. Katie held the panel together with so much ease, she asked some really thought provoking questions which sparked a diverse and really interesting discussion between the panelists. Katie also organised the entire event which had a full turn out, the feedback I heard from attendees during and after the event was amazing. I hope to work with Katie again very soon and would happily recommend her to my network!”


Get in touch about your event